Hey there!
At South Park Chapel we are on a journey of faith together as we grow in our knowledge of Jesus. We also have lots of fun! Our Youth Group meets on a Friday evening from 6-8pm during the school term time. We have a time for games, snacks, arts and crafts, and a Bible story. The group is free and is for children aged 8 to 18 years old.
If you are interested in joining please email us at hellosouthparkchapel@gmail.com or pop in to say hello.
Life's Big Questions
This term we will be diving into an apologetics series, looking at some of the biggest questions surrounding the Christian faith and why we believe what we believe. Come and join us on this exciting adventure!
If you have small children or babies you are invited to Bounce Around, our stay and play toddler group. It is on a Thursday morning in term time. See the What's On page for more details.